TEC Warsaw

TEC Warsaw



Evertiq Conference, TEC 2018 took place in Warsaw, Poland on May 17, 2018. TEC is featuring discussions and exhibition on advanced and emerging technologies in printed circuit board design, the current component situation, as well as the latest innovations within electronics assembly technologies. 

The visitors could join Grinn at booth 190 at this premier industry event, featuring discussions and exhibits on advanced and emerging technologies in printed circuit board design, the current component situation, as well as the latest innovations within electronics assembly technologies. 


What does the recruitment process at Grinn look like? Find out more about working in the IoT industry

Welcome all candidates and future employees of Grinn! In this article, you will learn all about how our recruitment process works and how you can better prepare for your interview. At Grinn we specialize in IoT solutions, IoT device design, embedded software development, electronic design, and mechanical engineering tasks.

Budowa kariery od Targów Pracy

Swoją historią podzielił się z nami Daniel Majchrzycki. W marcu 2017 Daniel przyszedł na Akademickie Targi pracy i chociaż mało słyszał o firmie Grinn, postanowił dowiedzieć się więcej. Pracownicy na stoisku zauważyli jego wiedzę i chęć rozwijać się w dziedzinie elektroniki, więc skontaktowaliśmy się z nim od razu po Targach, a już w Czerwcu Daniel zaczął pracę z nami.

Metamaterials: Pioneering Technical Frontiers in Electronics Design

From redefining thermal dynamics to sculpting acoustic landscapes and bending light with precision, metamaterials stand at the forefront of technological innovation. Let's embark on a technical exploration of metamaterials, delving into their historical trajectory, intricate applications, and the transformative potential they harbor for the future of electronic systems. Metamaterials, an amalgamation of metals, plastics, and other composite materials, derive their nomenclature from the Greek "meta," signifying "beyond." Metamaterials are artificially engineered materials designed to have properties that are not found in naturally occurring substances. These materials are created by arranging atoms or structures in specific patterns to achieve desired electromagnetic properties.