Smart device based on liteSOM

Smart device based on liteSOM

Circa – it’s a lot more than an average alarm clock. Circa aims to provide fewer distractions during bedtime and waking up, by getting consumers to return to the stand-alone alarm clock that only does one job. 


Grinn designed all the electronics in Circa, the UX and UI elements to make it easy and attractive. The device is based on liteSOM  – Grinn’s extremely low-power, state-of-the-art module based on ARM Cortex-A7 core i.MX 6UltraLight processor. The rich set of peripherals mean that the module caters for a wide range of applications.


Selected high quality materials and components and designed the product to function stand-alone, without relying on external recourses for core functionalities successfully - we’re excited to work on getting Circa in your hands!


Part 2 - An idea adds a new meaning to a simple toy

The next part of the story of the creation of the Yoli game. We took a pause at the moment when we suggested that the client implement Bluetooth technology, as this gave him an idea that turned the entire concept of the toy around and took it to a qualitatively new level.

Budowa kariery od Targów Pracy

Swoją historią podzielił się z nami Daniel Majchrzycki. W marcu 2017 Daniel przyszedł na Akademickie Targi pracy i chociaż mało słyszał o firmie Grinn, postanowił dowiedzieć się więcej. Pracownicy na stoisku zauważyli jego wiedzę i chęć rozwijać się w dziedzinie elektroniki, więc skontaktowaliśmy się z nim od razu po Targach, a już w Czerwcu Daniel zaczął pracę z nami.

Human-Centric Design in IoT: Dos and Don’ts

The concept of human-centered design was first voiced back in the 20th century, and it evolved along with the popular term design thinking. This is concept of product development, where users' devices and desires come first, the resulting products achieve enormous popularity and also solve real user problems.