Celebrating 10 years of smart IoT solutions

Celebrating 10 years of smart IoT solutions



Grinn is celebrating 10 year anniversary - ten years of innovation and smart IoT solutions. It is an awesome way to congratulate our brilliant team on this fantastic achievement. We greatly appreciate and value your hard work and commitment. We are driven by the collective energy of our teams, customers and partners and by a shared goal that is unchanged. Without compromising our deeply held convictions, we have remade ourselves.


With our partners Texas InstrumentsTelitWürth ElektronikNXP SemiconductorsInfineon Technologies AGMicrochip Technology Inc. and clients Eagle Eye Networks, Circa, sani nudge, FastTrack Company, Optics11, Hi-P, BMTC, Spider IoT solutions we are looking forward to working on new projects and can't wait for new challenges!


Our focus on innovation, smart IoT solution, sustainability and cutting-edge technology gives us myriad growth opportunities, and according to our values we will continue bringing effective solutions.



Smart Agriculture: 8 Implementations of IoT in agriculture you can start using today

Smart Agriculture is a term used for the introduction of Internet of Things technologies, sensors, robots, and artificial intelligence into farms. The main purpose of using Smart Agriculture is to improve the quality of manufactured products, as well as increase productivity. By 2025, it is predicted that the global smart agriculture market will be valued at $15.3 billion, which is a three-fold increase compared to 2016.


The IoT is so firmly entrenched in our lives that sometimes we do not even notice its work. We draw up reports based on the readings from sensors thousands of kilometers away. The digital camera has noticed movement in the backyard and has sent you a notification to make sure it is just a neighbor's dog. Want to know what mechanisms are behind these modern conveniences?

A sustainable world with Rhino

Sustainability focuses on meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. Moving towards sustainable production ha