We now support PWR Racing Team!

We now support PWR Racing Team!



We are proud that we have become a part of the innovative and rapidly growing project of young Polish engineers – The Racing Team at Wroclaw Univerisity of Technology.


The Racing Team was created at the Wrocław University of Technology in 2009. Every year the team designs, builds and tests a new Formula Student racing car, and then races it at prestigious international competitions for engineers and managers. The Racing Team has created solid foundations for development, on which successive members will build the team's success.


Thanks to the consultations of Grinn engineers regarding currently developed projects, designing electronics for automotive standards and basic tests enabling designed modules verification, it is possible for Racing Team to get much more knowledge about electronics and finally to develop an electric car concept.



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Metamaterials: Pioneering Technical Frontiers in Electronics Design

From redefining thermal dynamics to sculpting acoustic landscapes and bending light with precision, metamaterials stand at the forefront of technological innovation. Let's embark on a technical exploration of metamaterials, delving into their historical trajectory, intricate applications, and the transformative potential they harbor for the future of electronic systems. Metamaterials, an amalgamation of metals, plastics, and other composite materials, derive their nomenclature from the Greek "meta," signifying "beyond." Metamaterials are artificially engineered materials designed to have properties that are not found in naturally occurring substances. These materials are created by arranging atoms or structures in specific patterns to achieve desired electromagnetic properties.

We changed our headquarter to a larger one!

GRINN CHANGED ITS HEADQUARTER TO A LARGER ONE   At 1st October we moved to another building, where the area is three times larger than the previous one. Also we have the l