Hardware design / Software development / Testing

When major manufacturer Hi-P wanted a new smarter electronics control module for use in domestic appliances, we make sure it got the advanced sensors it wanted.




"It is worth emphasizing that the project carried out by Grinn fulfilled our expectations in every respect. The most important thing is that Grinn is a stable partner in cooperation. For that reason we can honestly recommend using their services."
— Dariusz Zawirski, Business Development Manager, Hi-P Poland

More examples

From homes to hospitals, street lights to ski lopes, there's a growing range of IoT solutions powered by Grinn. Here are just some of them.

  • Optics11
    Interferometers are precision measurement tools used in specialist nanotechnology labs. Grinn designed and developed a new industry-leading IoT device around the client’s sensor tool, providing PCB, visualization software and device firmware.
  • Hempel Track
    Hempel is a well-known company which produces industrial-grade paint for various large-scale facilities, bridges, cargo tanks, ships, and more. Given the extremely high cost of these objects, company responsibly must cover not only the production process but also the painting process itself.
  • Yoli
    An interactive educational block game for children with sound and tactical signals and a data collection component