Grinn Announces Strategic Partnership with Nordic Semiconductor: A Global Leader in Wireless Communication Technology

Grinn Announces Strategic Partnership with Nordic Semiconductor: A Global Leader in Wireless Communication Technology

Grinn Announces Strategic Partnership with Nordic Semiconductor: A Global Leader in Wireless Communication Technology


Grinn partners with Nordic Semiconductor- a global leader in wireless communication technology. This is a strategic partnership, where Nordic’s wireless expertise will be used to deliver innovative solutions to Grinn’s customers.


Nordic Semiconductor, celebrated for its world-class ultra-low power wireless technology, including Bluetooth Low Energy, Thread, ANT+, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, and more, is a pioneer in IoT connectivity and a trusted name in industry as a global leader in low-power wireless solutions.


“This partnership is a pivotal milestone for us, a testament to our extensive experience with Nordic's products, and our ability to deliver high-quality IoT and embedded solutions. It's all about delivering value to our clients, ensuring that our clients receive the best possible service and support for their technological needs.” – says Robert Otręba, CEO at Grinn.


During last 15 years Grinn has an impressive track record of using Nordic's technology to deliver innovative solutions, in some of the project using the Nordic’s products was crucial. For instance, in Siana project where we needed it to be very fast, super low power and with NFC and Bluetooth Low Energy or in our last project of smart jewelry where the small form factor was essential as well as low power and connectivity features. Grinn has implemented Nordic-based product across numerous industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, security and home appliances. This partnership opens up new horizons, allowing Grinn to utilize Nordic's wireless communication technology to create even more advanced and diverse IoT solutions tailored to their clients' unique needs.


“Partnering with a global leader in wireless communication technology shows us as a reliable company in the tech industry. This partnership signifies our commitment to staying ahead by employing the latest technology to deliver cutting-edge solutions to our clients. With our expertise and Nordic's innovations, we're ready to elevate our clients' projects to new heights.”- says Łukasz Gajda, CTO at Grinn.


Contact Us for Your IoT and Electronics Design Needs


If you're looking for innovative IoT solutions or electronics design expertise, we invite you to get in touch with us. Our team is here to provide you with comprehensive services, from concept to implementation and beyond. Let us help you turn your ideas into reality and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving world of technology.

For inquiries or to explore how Grinn can assist with your specific needs, please reach out to:


Od Targów Pracy do pracy w Grinn. Czym zajmuje sie Hardware Designer?

Dzisiaj rozmawialiśmy z Piotrem Twardoszem, który pracuje w Grinn jako Hardware Designer już ponad 6 lat. Poznał firmę Grinn podczas Akademickich Targów Pracy Politechniki Wrocławskiej, gdzie Grinn był wystawcą. Piotr wspomina, że wrażenie na nim zrobiło urządzenie, które znajdowało się na stoisku jako przykład. Był to technologiczny sprzęt wykorzystywany w nanotechnologicznych laboratoriach – interferometr. Po rozmowie z przedstawicielami firmy podjął decyzje, żeby aplikować właśnie tu, a kilka tygodni później już zaczął swój pierwszy dzień jako Hardware Designer. 

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