Grinn introduces the Terrasat-NTN, a satellite-based reference design developed in collaboration with KYOCERA AVX, Sony Altair, and Skylo. This compact and efficient solution leverages NB-NTN technology for reliable connectivity and environmental monitoring in remote and challenging environments, offering a robust platform for industries like agriculture, logistics, and energy.
5 min
Hardware, Electronics Design, Success Stories
From redefining thermal dynamics to sculpting acoustic landscapes and bending light with precision, metamaterials stand at the forefront of technological innovation. Let's embark on a technical exploration of metamaterials, delving into their historical trajectory, intricate applications, and the transformative potential they harbor for the future of electronic systems. Metamaterials, an amalgamation of metals, plastics, and other composite materials, derive their nomenclature from the Greek "meta," signifying "beyond." Metamaterials are artificially engineered materials designed to have properties that are not found in naturally occurring substances. These materials are created by arranging atoms or structures in specific patterns to achieve desired electromagnetic properties.
The concept of human-centered design was first voiced back in the 20th century, and it evolved along with the popular term design thinking. This is concept of product development, where users' devices and desires come first, the resulting products achieve enormous popularity and also solve real user problems.
In the pursuit of a sustainable and greener future, the Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging as a powerful tool for optimizing resource consumption and improving energy efficiency. By integrating IoT technologies into various sectors and applications, we can revolutionize how we manage and utilize energy resources.
Transportation and logistics play a vital role in global economies, facilitating the movement of people, goods, and products across various locations. As we look ahead, the demand for transportation services is expected to skyrocket, in this context, the transportation sector faces significant challenges that need to be addressed to ensure smooth operations and sustainable growth.
Swoją historią podzielił się z nami Daniel Majchrzycki. W marcu 2017 Daniel przyszedł na Akademickie Targi pracy i chociaż mało słyszał o firmie Grinn, postanowił dowiedzieć się więcej. Pracownicy na stoisku zauważyli jego wiedzę i chęć rozwijać się w dziedzinie elektroniki, więc skontaktowaliśmy się z nim od razu po Targach, a już w Czerwcu Daniel zaczął pracę z nami.
We often say that working at Grinn is fun; we emphasize the special friendly atmosphere in the company, our traditions, and joint holidays. However, the best indicator for us is when our employees are happy to recommend our company to their job-seeking friends. We can’t help but boast that three friends were brought onboard on the recommendation of the fourth! Here is their story.
Dzisiaj rozmawialiśmy z Piotrem Twardoszem, który pracuje w Grinn jako Hardware Designer już ponad 6 lat. Poznał firmę Grinn podczas Akademickich Targów Pracy Politechniki Wrocławskiej, gdzie Grinn był wystawcą. Piotr wspomina, że wrażenie na nim zrobiło urządzenie, które znajdowało się na stoisku jako przykład. Był to technologiczny sprzęt wykorzystywany w nanotechnologicznych laboratoriach – interferometr. Po rozmowie z przedstawicielami firmy podjął decyzje, żeby aplikować właśnie tu, a kilka tygodni później już zaczął swój pierwszy dzień jako Hardware Designer.
The whole world follows the Olympic Games and evaluates the chances of the athletes of their favorite team. We follow with no less interest the technological solutions in use in the Olympic village and at the competition sites. So, what interesting things met us in Beijing in 2022?
GRINN is a Design House in which we design various types of embedded devices for a wide range of clients. We are constantly on the lookout for those who want to learn new things.
What did our clients say?
Clients value our can-do approach and practical way to solve a problem.
Clients say Grinn is like a direct part of their company.
Clients highlight that we are professionals and working with us guarantees quality.
We offer a complete package of everything needed to create world-class hardware products, from design to production.
Always on time and always ready to listen to new input and pivot if required.
Clients say we don't only make the hardware, but trully put in the effort to understand the problem you are trying to solve and proactively think along side with you.
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